Day 3 - Working with your own datasets
If you don’t have a dataset you would like to work with, you can use a carbon isotope data set with radiometric dates from Morocco and Siberia. The spreadsheets and the papers from which the data were taken are in the Zip folder:
Some approaches you could try:
Start by correlating just two sections on the height scale
You could also start with correlating just some parts of sections, discarding the rest of the data
Simplify the lithology data - does it make sense to assume that the same lithology at the bottom and top of a long section had the same sedimentation rate, or do you want to split the data differently?
Are there any unconformities? For example, add a gap at the sequence boundary between the Sukharika and Krasnoporog formations in the Siberian section
Try a correlation on the age scale, using the radiometric ages